2 Responses

  1. Rosie Hunter
    Rosie Hunter at ·

    Hmmm really interesting 🙂

    I think my biggest mistake when starting out in business was listening to what others thought I should be doing. It’s nice when you find a group of people in a similar field to you, but I think people beginning in business are much more susceptible to what other people say – especially if the other people are successful in their business. And you’re right – no one knows your business as well as you do, so what other people think you should do is not always the best!

    Thanks for sharing this with us 🙂

  2. Kelly
    Kelly at ·

    I don’t know what my most expensive mistake would be, I’ve made a few and I continue to make them. It’s all learning though, it’s a bit like those meme’s you see about being successful; a successful person is one who keeps going despite the mistakes until they get there. I’m still in the process of getting there 😉

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