![How to make a decision](https://i0.wp.com/aj-pipe.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Under-Pressure-1.png?resize=600%2C300&ssl=1)
So, you’ve got to make a decision. Cool. Decision making is something we do every day. What will I eat for breakfast? Whom should I sit next to on the bus? How many loads of washing should I do?
Sometimes though, decisions can be huge. Where should I invest my KiwiSaver funds? Should I go to the doctor about this mole, or should I ignore it and hope it goes away? Do I love my partner enough to take the next step?
When you make a decision, the implications can be immense. Make the right decision, and you can expect good results. Make the wrong decision, and all hell can break loose.
Then there’s the fact that there are too many options to choose from, and when you make a decision, you miss out on all but one of them.
If those points weren’t enough to put you off the decision-making process, what about the fact that you don’t want to make a mistake? That alone paralyses many of us.
In my experience as a business owner’s coach, part of my job is forcing people (nicely) to make decisions. Some of these decisions are hard and may result in negative consequences. Others end up benefiting my clients but disadvantaging others. Making decisions, though is something I am very good at doing. So, I’m going to walk you through several different decision-making processes: one of which will be perfect for you!
It’s Time to Make a Decision! 3 Steps to Take Towards a Decision
Ask anyone how they make a decision, and you’ll probably hear one of these answers:
- I did the right thing
- I just did
- It was easy
- I don’t know
You may even have someone say that they didn’t make a decision. Well, guess what? Deciding not to make a decision is still a decision.
If you’re stuck, here’s a three-step process you can use to make a decision:
- Agree that you need to make a choice – simple and straight forward, you need to decide, that you will actually make a choice. If you make the wrong one, so what? You can always try again. If you’re not 100% sure, going with 89% is okay sometimes too.
- Stop the extra noise – everyone has an opinion or wants to tell you to do something. In a world with so much noise, it can be hard to identify exactly what it is that you want. The noise can also distract you from making a decision. If you must research before making that decision, then go slowly and choose trusted resources (people, facts etc) to help guide you in the process.
- Make your own framework – you need to create yourself a stable platform from which you can make your own choices. Your values, your goals and what’s important to you make up a part of your framework. Will this decision make you feel happy and satisfied? Does it fit well with your personal framework?
For some, this three-step decision-making process works well. For others, it’s not so great. Both of those are fine because we as people don’t work or think the same way. Sometimes we need some extra things to think about, and these next seven points will help give you that.
7 Points to Help You Make a Decision
Sometimes you need a longer decision-making process, and these seven points will give you plenty of time and ways to consider your options.
- Nail your goal – what is it that you want to get out of making this decision? Be self-reflective and ask yourself the tough questions.
- Set standards – what is it that you won’t compromise upon? What are the features that are must-haves, and those you’re not fussed with?
- Feelings are important – the way you would feel after making the decision is usually more important than how good that particular decision is.
- Keep biases at the forefront – as humans, we remember vivid examples far better than the actual facts. The way something is worded can also affect how we feel about something. Keep any biases heading your way at the top of your mind so that they do not impair your judgement.
- Take your time – making a decision when you are stressed or in a hurry isn’t a good plan. We are more likely to choose the easiest or make a poor decision when time-pressed and we’re not in ‘decision-making moods.’ Let your unconscious mind do some work and let it mull your decision over for a while too.
- Make rules for yourself – it pays to reduce the number of other decisions you will need to make by setting rules. These could be that you will do something like drink water each night after dinner, instead of coffee.
- Analyse your decisions – how did you feel after you made each decision? What can you do next time to make yourself feel even better? How hard was it to make this decision?
If these seven points sound too formal or rigid for you, then you’ll love what’s coming next!
How to Make a Decision Subconsciously
It’s time to break things up with a little light-hearted fun. Now, I’m not saying that this trick is what you should base your decision making upon, but that it is kind of fun to do for the little stuff.
- Say aloud what your two choices are
- Allocate each choice to one side of a coin, either heads or tails
- Flip the coin, catch it on the back of your hand and cover it – no peeking!
- Ask yourself which side of the coin do you want to see right now?
- Put the coin away without looking at which side was facing up – you made your decision when you asked yourself which side of the coin you wanted to see
Notice that you weren’t supposed to look at the coin after you’d flipped it. This trick isn’t about fate or luck, but rather what you truly want. How cool is that?
Sometimes though, you just need yet another way to make decisions, and this my friends is it; go with your heart.
Your heart knows what it wants, and it is in a constant battle with your brain. Your brain thinks about everything and analyses things to within an inch of their lives. Your heart picks what makes it feel good, and if that isn’t something you should be listening to, then what is?
One of my popular services is the Business Goal Setting and Planning One on One Session. In it, we will work together to identify what you want to achieve and make a plan for you to achieve it. Yes, this will involve making decisions. The good news is, I’m right there to help you make them. I’d love to get started, so head over and book a time with me now!