Can kindness be taught as a key value?
Providing opportunities of kindness cannot hurt and may just help a lot.
I am a hippy at heart; yoga, plant a tree, no single use bags etc and I want my children to grow up to be good people.
Here is a list of Kindness Projects I’ll be doing with my little people, which you can do with yours too 🙂
- Pick up litter on the way Kindergarten/School/Play Group etc
- Write ‘Thank you’ notes
- Thoughtful gifts
- Donate toys & cloths
- Help out at Luncheon for the older community
- Christmas Card for the Postie
- Free-joia’s (a New Zealand fruit -surplus of fruit & veg to be given away)
- Helping out at charity events
ask them; What can we do to help someone else? How would it make them feel? How would it make you feel?
In the comments; What are some fun Kindness Projects you’ve done with your little ones?
Amanda, some great ideas here hun!
With the kids I teach, I’ve done several of these over the years. At present, the class I’m covering 2 days/week, have created “Incredible Me” envelopes. They’ve all written something positive about each of their classmates and placed them in the envelopes. When they come in grumpy, sad or angry, they sit and read the contents of their envelopes. I also send them to read the contents when they need to calm down, boost their confidence, etc…
It’s only been a couple of weeks, but these little 6 & 7 year olds are already taking it very seriously – both the reading of the affirmations (contents) & the writing of positive, kind words for each of their classmates. Am really looking forward to how this develops over the coming weeks.
Kindness is most definitely a value that can be taught & it often boosts their confidence & self-esteem in the process! 🙂
<3 <3 <3
What an awesome idea! “Incredible Me” envelopes will be worth a try. Thank you for your comment and for sharing this great idea Renee xxx