Is Following the Crowd A Good Thing in Business?

It’s often a case of monkey see monkey do or following the crowd when it comes to those in business. After all, if other business owners are doing something, then surely you need to be doing it too?

Well, you could look at this in two ways. Firstly, it could be a good thing if they’re all on to a winner as there’s the chance you could be too. Or secondly, if they’re on to a winner, but it takes you in a direction you weren’t planning on going, there’s no winning to be had.

All too often I hear about decisions based upon what others say and think and not what was in your business plan. If following the crowd was in your business plan, then mate, we need to talk because your business plan sucks. Making your own decisions based on what’s right for you and your business is far better, and that’s what I’m here to talk about today.

There Are Too Many Monkeys Following the Crowd

Ever been to a shop and had a sense of Deja-vu? You know when you’re certain you’ve seen the same product elsewhere. Or how about seen the comments on social media from a business owner who’s understandably annoyed that someone has copied their designs? Yip, I have.

Following the crowd can occur in a few ways:

  • Doing something just because ‘everyone’ else is doing it too
  • Copying someone’s ideas because they are darn good
  • Changing your mind because someone else told you your idea sucked
  • Thinking that your idea must be bad because no one else is doing it

If you do follow what others are doing, you’re likely to receive similar or worse results than them, annoy them and miss out on achieving your dream.

So, what can you do about it?

Stop Following the Crowd & Do This Instead

Okay, telling you to do this instead is kind of like you are following the crowd who is reading this as well. But, it’s not like this, but rather that you:

  • Think deeply about what it is that you really want
  • Find something that you like and adapt it to suit you
  • Ignore those who copy you
  • Never copy others at any cost
  • Stop listening to people telling you what to do, except if they are a trusted business professional

Finally, one of the best things you can do is talk with someone you trust, whom you can bounce ideas off. I’d love to have the opportunity to be your sounding board. Get in touch with me today and let’s start bouncing.