Investing in yourself doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of money you have saved in the bank. Rather it’s the things you do to help yourself grow and develop as a person. Traditionally this has meant some form of formal education, playing team sports or practising a hobby. But when it comes to investing in yourself, there are so many other options, including those which will benefit your business!
Today I’ll discuss the importance of investing in yourself, give you some ideas on ways you could do so and list the benefits it can bring your business.
The Importance of Investing in Yourself
You are your most important asset. By spending time (and yes money) on yourself, you are increasing your personal value. It sends a powerful message to others that you feel that the skills and knowledge you have are important and you’re prepared to invest in them to get even better results. After all, if you are not willing to help yourself, why should someone else be? Your capability as an individual will always be set by your personal resources, what you have available to help yourself reach your goals. Let’s talk about the ways you can grow these resources.
5 Ways You Can Invest in Yourself
There are plenty of things you can do to increase your personal resources. Five I feel are important are:
- Set boundaries – what are your working hours? How will clients contact you? When will you switch your electronics off? What time will you spend with your family?
- Keep learning – whether it’s taking online courses, researching a new product or reading blogs and books, it’s important to keep up to date with what’s happening in your industry.
- Be accountable – all too often it’s easy to let things slide under the mat. If marking things off a list works for you, do it! If you’d prefer gentle reminders, hire a business accountability coach.
- Say no – it can be hard to say no, even when you know that would be the right call. However, you are the boss, not your customers or employees!
- Treasure your health & well-being – if you are ill, emotionally drained and stressed, there is no way you can run a productive business. Keeping active, eating healthily and the setting of work and personal boundaries are all important things to prioritise.
Benefits of Investing in Yourself to Your Business
Now you’ve got some ideas about how to invest in yourself, can you see the benefits that this will bring to your business? The first benefit is that it shows others you value yourself, are prepared to put in the work to grow your personal resources and are motivated to achieve success. This has a flow on effect, with people wanting to be a part of your success, jumping on board with your business. Other benefits include that you are better positioned to run your own business and you bring new ideas and new ways of doing things to your business. Consequently, your business continues to grow!
If you’d like to have a chat about your business, book a time with me now! Together we’ll set some goals for the future, including ways you can invest in yourself!