So You Hate Your Business. Now What?


hate your business

You’ve got it up and running, but you hate your business. Maybe this whole self-employed lark isn’t for you, or is your business in such a bad state that you’d rather it crashed and burned? Well, before you head off to start looking for a ‘real job,’ let’s look at the real reasons why you hate your business and if they can be remedied.

Digging Deep into Why You Hate Your Business

If you’re not a fan of self-reflection or deep thinking, suck it up because it’s an absolute must. I’m going to ask you to think about your answers to these questions and then jot them down on a piece of paper for later reference:

  • Why did you start or take over this business?
  • What excites you or is something you could talk about all the time?
  • Which business tasks make you want to scream in frustration?
  • What tasks do you love to do and want to do more of?
  • Which specific parts of your business do you hate and why?

Now you’ve answered those, stop and read your answers again. Is there anything which jumps out at you? Did you find out that you don’t hate your business all that much, or loth it? Maybe there are only certain bits you don’t like? Let’s move further on and look at how we can solve these problems.

Solving the Problem of Why You Hate Your Business

Okay, maybe you’re thinking I’ve gone totally cracker, but if you dislike your business so much, I say sell it. Do it now and don’t look back. On the other hand, if you know or think there may be a little part of it that you love, then read on because here’s what you’ve got to do next.

  • Remove what you don’t like, add what you like. Outsource the work you don’t enjoy doing to someone else. If you can’t afford to pay them to do it, consider bartering if you can. This frees you up some time to do more of the work you enjoy doing.
  • Chat with someone like me! A talk with a business accountability coach will quickly help you identify the issues and give a fresh set of ideas to solve them too.
  • Make a list of your priorities. What would you rather be dealing with? How can you sort things, so you focus on those tasks first?

By now you’ve probably realised that your future rests a lot on you. You need to make a decision as to whether you’re going to walk away or make some massive changes. If change is in the air, then your email to me should be too. I’m here to help walk with you and help you make the best choices for you and your business. Send me an email now – I’m waiting for it!