Business Retreat For Savvy Business Owners

Business Retreat =  Business Potential

your business retreat

Our weekend business retreat gives you the help and push forward to achieve beyond your wildest dreams! Forget muddling through things on your own. How much time is wasted re-reading, re-thinking whilst you are busy trying to make progress?

Should You Attend My Business Retreat?

Let’s meet two business owners, just like you …

Meet Dee. She owns and operates both a physical and an online store. Now meet Steve. He owns an accountancy firm with clients all over the country. Dee and Steve have one thing in common. They both want their business to succeed but are not quite sure what they need to do next.

Enter The Business Owners Retreat. Dee decides to invest in her business and attend the weekend business retreat. Steve sees it, is intrigued by the idea, but doesn’t take the step to book it. That’s where the similarities end.

Dee collects her laptop, packs her suitcase and gives her husband and kids a cheery wave goodbye. She’s heading off for a distraction-free weekend. Dee arrives at her destination and enjoys an evening of discussion with other like-minded business owners. This includes business accountability coach AJ Pipe and Sarah Holden, the facilitator with an amazing marketing background.

Not having had to cook tea or put the kids to bed, Dee is able to fully focus on herself and her business. She creates a plan of attack for the weekend and identifies her goals for the next year. After a glass of wine or two, she heads to bed knowing that running her business is going to be much easier after this weekend.

Achieve Success – Grab Your Retreat Spot Now!

Steve leaves his office for the commute home. Called by his wife to collect tea on the way, Steve starts to plan his weekend. His phone rings again and a client demands he does some work for him tonight. So Steve alters his to-do-list. He adds the client’s work on it knowing this means less time to put his son to bed tonight. He arrives home, eats tea, does the dishes while his wife baths his son and then starts his work at the dining table for his client.

His son walks in demanding a drink of water, while his wife goes out to work the late shift. Steve puts his son back to bed and sits down, while his son decides sleep is no longer on the agenda and runs around the lounge. Steve realises that nothing is going to change and wonders if he should cut his losses and ‘get a real job’ instead.

Dee’s business has had a massive positive push. Steve’s seems to be heading for a burnout.

Now for you… To Business Retreat or Not?

Business Retreat view

Life is the number one obstacle for business owners. Spending time doing what is important to us is often replaced by doing work. Why? Because we have no clear vision and no clear plans in relation to our business.

This Weekend Business Retreat for Business Owners tackles those and other problems business owners often face, giving you:

  • Uninterrupted time to work on your business
  • A Business Accountability Coach to bounce ideas off during the weekend
  • One on One sessions to give you focus and clarity for your business
  • Tools and insights to make a difference to your business that you can implement straight away.

You’ll also get:

  • All-inclusive accommodation and food
  • Meals cooked for with ‘adult’ flavours (gourmet – not fish fingers ;-)) and you don’t have to cook


  • The all-important Wi-Fi connection
  • Upmarket accommodation in a beautiful setting only 2 hours from Auckland

retreat booking

What Business Retreat Attendees Say …

As a client of AJ’s for a while now it seemed like the logical next step for me to attend the business retreat (and actually get a chance to meet face-to-face) but also to spend a solid, uninterrupted chunk of time to actually make some real progress on my business. 
I have now been in business for just over two and a half years and things are going really well. But with this (and kids, and other commitments) I have been struggling to take time out to actually work on my business as I have been so busy working in my business. The weekend retreat was the perfect opportunity to leave all those distractions behind and take a serious look at my business and where my next steps for growth are.

“The Weekend Retreat was the Perfect Opportunity”

Sarah was the perfect host – with an amazing house away from the hustle and bustle and a passion for good clean food. I haven’t felt so nurtured for in a VERY long time. Her experience in marketing as well as being a business owner herself was invaluable for providing ideas and questioning your decisions to make sure you were really on the right path.
Having the opportunity to sit down with AJ for one-on-one sessions during the weekend was essential to helping me nail down what I needed to achieve both over the weekend and moving forward. I’m ready to set some awesome (and scary) goals for my business over the next few months, year and beyond.

However, if you are thinking about going – hit that button and take the leap NOW!!! I guarantee you won’t regret it. You may even see me there again!!!

– Rebecca Burgess Do the Sums Bookkeeping and More

Business retreat spaces are limited to 3. This is so you get the awesome balance of dedicated help, alone focused work time and the best soundboard anyone in business could ask for; people who can understand where you’re coming from being fellow business owners, but they aren’t going to have the same thoughts that go through your head when you search for answers. You never know what seems obvious to you might be the nugget that someone else needs to grow their business and they may have the key to unlocking an easier way to reach your ideal buyer.

The Path to Failure is Paved with Good Intentions

We’ve all done it. Sat down with a long list of things that need doing. Got everything set up. Told the kids to “please let me work today and we can do whatever you want tomorrow”. Tried locking doors as a means to keep people out and you focused in…BUT you know that there is something else you shoulda, woulda, coulda be doing and that takes away from the focus you are aiming for.

As a result, it’s incredibly frustrating when you realise you’ve spent a whole day feeling guilty that you’re working on the weekend and you still didn’t achieve much!

Make Your Good Intentions Hugely Successful!

Taking yourself out of the normal setting stops the laundry staring at you. The need to take care of dependents melts away and you can get more done in a few hours than that disappointing month of stop starts.

On The Business Owners Retreat, not only do you get distraction-free time, but you are completely looked after and can draw energy from the most amazing setting.


A whole weekend dedicated to you and your business shows that you take your business seriously and that it is worth investing in.

your-spaceOne Weekend  Just for You and Your Business

When I first saw the invitation for The Business Owners Retreat I was intrigued but sceptical.  What could people who don’t understand my vision offer me? Plus, if I don’t know where I’m going with my business right now, how are they going to help me anyway? But my intrigue got the better of me and I clicked the button, although reluctantly at first.

Let me tell you – boy am I glad I went! Not only did it make me have a good honest look at why I started my business but also gave me focus to build my business into the future. With help and support from like-minded people, I was able to reflect on what had worked and what hadn’t. From there I was able to build a path to take my company into the future.

One week on and I am already well on the way to rebranding, launching new products and streamlining processes within the business, and my life in general.

I have a workable business plan and focus and so many new ideas that the future looks exciting, not daunting. 
The location was simply stunning and the food was even better! I would highly recommend the Retreat, the quiet and the tranquillity, were perfect for getting work done without the distractions of everyday life.

– Tracy Nicholls from Cute Cuddles NZ Ltd

Take Action Now Baby! Book Your Spot Today!

The next one is June 2019. GET IN QUICK!


More on What My Clients Think …

Going on the business retreat was the best decision I made for myself and my business. Life can get so busy and even when you make time to get things done you never really get a good chunk of clear time without the distraction of email or your household. The retreat gave me a weekend of exactly that, time. I was able to get so much more work done than I had anticipated in the calm and peaceful setting that Sarah provides.

Working with Amanda helped me work out what I really wanted for myself and the business through robust discussion. It was also great to have the other business owners there to give a different perspective. After attending the weekend I was able to cross a whole lot of jobs off my to-do list that has been pushed to the bottom for too long and I now feel like I have a clear direction for my business, that excites me.

-Vanessa Kelly